NEW Affordable Housing in the Haight
730 Stanyan is a new affordable housing development with 160 units to house low to moderate-income families as well as families and transitional age youth (TAY) who have experienced homelessness. The site fronts the historical commercial Haight Street and the residential Waller Street, while located at the entry to Golden Gate Park on Stanyan Street.
The project is a joint venture effort by Chinatown Community Development Center (CCDC) and Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation (TNDC), in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD).
As nonprofit co-developers of the housing, CCDC and TNDC realize the important historical, cultural, and site context of 730 Stanyan and are collaborating to create a high-quality living environment and useful ground floor programs open to residents and the surrounding neighborhoods in District 5.
Review the project's Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.

Permanent Affordable Housing
Public Art Community Meeting and Input Survey
On October 2, 2024, Sorell Raino-Tsui from ABG Art Group and Jenifer Wofford presented their latest mural designs for the exterior facade of the new 160-unit affordable housing development at 730 Stanyan.
For those who were unable to attend the meeting, we welcome you all to take a brief moment to review the latest designs.
Click here to view the general presentation and artist mural proposals.
Hosted by joint developers Chinatown Community Development Center and Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation.

Commercial space & Construction Progress
Click here to learn more about the commercial space opportunities at 730 Stanyan.
For inquiries about leasing commercial space, please contact:
Blatteis Realty CO
Gary Ward (DRE# 01208708)
415-321-7483, gward@blatteisrealty.com
Carl Ward (DRE# 01968824)
415-321-7487, cward@blatteisrealty.com
For information about applying for housing units, check back in
early 2025, and refer to the RESOURCES section to view "Housing Eligibility FAQ".
Construction of 730 Stanyan is underway. Click here to see images of ongoing progress.

April, 2024
Found on the edge of Golden Gate Park, at the intersection of Haight and Stanyan Streets, 730 Stanyan is located in the Haight, a complex, creative, and diverse neighborhood. For well over a century people have been drawn to this part of San Francisco.
It's been a hub of culture and transportation, a haven for progressive ideas, and a refuge for those displaced by the 1906 earthquake and redevelopment. Click here to learn more about the history of this area.

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